Friday, September 13, 2013

Aide de Camp: Wargamer Aide de Camp

Aide de Camp: Wargamer Aide de Camp, Wargamer Aide de Camp is a unique statistic and status display stand for wargames and games. It ensures that you have all of the important information for your units on the gaming table next to your troops. Keeps you informed of the status of all your units as it changes during the course of a battle. Just like a good Aide de Camp should!

  • Show the changing status of units in-game with interchangeable blocks. Works for any war games rule set.
  • Statistic sheet that slides into the slot shows important unit information. So there is no need to keep checking rule books or game sheets. Works for any rule set.
  • Works for buildings and all terrain pieces that have combat modifier values.
  • Different coloured stands for all theatres of war.
  • Use for all troop formations from any time period in history. Past present or future!

Wargamer Aide de Camp is currently in discussions to hopefully be joining you on the battlefield soon!  Please check the web site for full details. Thank you!

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