Thursday, June 6, 2013

Victrix Miniatures: Three for Two Offer Running in June!

As the Eurozone spirals into chaos, the cost of living rises ever higher, the banks foreclose on your mortgage, and your boss is either going to sack you or slap you with a wage freeze...why not fiddle whilst Rome burns? Treat yourself to the Victrix "3 for 2 worldwide economic meltdown" summer special! Running to the end of June, we have a fantastic three-for-two offer at Victrix. The deal is really simple. Order anything, and get a third similar product for free!

Always looking for those bargains, cheap wargame miniatures brought to you by Wargame News and Terrain (WN&T)


Andrew McCory said...

Seems like a good deal - although they could've expanded it to single sprues as well :(

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Maybe they do Andras, you should contact them to make sure. And if you do please report back here as others might be interested in seperate sprues.


Andrew McCory said...

Good news! I got this response:

'Dear Andras,

The Victrix 3 for 2 offer is available for the single sets of sprues.

Regards Julian'

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Great news Andras, thanks for sharing!
