Friday, February 3, 2012

Wargame news from Victrix, Warlord Games, ...

Hi, lots has happened on the wargaming front in the last weeks! Here are some of the exciting new releases and sneak peaks that were announced. First of all we have the greens of the Indus Miniatures multi part infantry! In an attempt to make these miniatures as posable as possible you have seperate right arm and shield options. These excellent miniatures can be used from the 1700's through till the 1800's. The owner says that they would work for Plassey, Assaye, Indian Mutiny, Pulp, Pirates, Imagnations, what ever you can think of ! So don't hesitate to visit his website with online store!
Secondly we have the new "Lord of The Rings" releases from Games Workshop! These awesome releases vary from new command packs and lots of other interesting beasts such as "The Great beast of Gorgoroth", "The Watcher in the Water" and "The Dweller in the Dark". My personal favorite is the Beast of Gorgoroth of which you can see a picture below. The only shame is that the new monsters are all resin finecasts but the good news is that they are better priced than the smaller resin miniatures. Games Workshop has also released a whole shedload of new Lord of the Rings rulebooks probaly to warm us up for the upcoming miniatures of "The Hobbit"!

Secondly we have some exciting news from Victrix Miniatures! They have announced that they will release their first Ancient miniatures around April/May and the miniatures look stunning, well detailled and with realistic body proportions. They are going to release with the Greeks such as Athenians, Spartans, Thebans and then Mercenaries. With a 2 to 3 week gap between each set! Each of these sets will contain 48 figures with many variation possibilities by using interchangeable heads with separate crests. Arm positions including thrusting, at rest and sword arms. Below are some images of the master resin castings of the Athenians. And they look absolutely stunning! Other castings of the Spartans and Thebans can be found on their website, make sure you check them out as they are even more beautiful than the Athenians, hard to believe? Go to Victrix's website!

Warlord Games has also made the announcement that their Macedonian pikemen are avaible for pre order! This box contains 40 multi-part Macedonian Phalangites with sufficient shield decals and metal arrows to add extra detail to the models' bases and shields. the retail price of this boxed set is £20 which is a really good price for a full phalanx, this release will enable you to recreate the glorious battles of Alexander the Great from the vast plains of Persia to the dense forests of India!
The Perry Brothers have also released some new packs including some metal Napoleonic Russians and Austrians but their nicest new miniatures in my opinion are the medieval workers or unarmed peasants and the wounded soldiers. I really love the character of these miniatures and because they can be used to add some a realism and life to the battlefield they inhabit.

Mantic Games also announced that their Corporation Marines are avaible for pre order! These Marines can be used in almost every scifi setting and will probably end up fighting swarms of Orcs, aliens and other nasty intergalactic beasties. When they face hordes of aliens they can always call in some heavy weapon support! As always these Mantic Games miniatures are extremely well-priced! Ten figures for £12.50, well you also need lots of them!

Last but certainly not least are the gorgeous new miniatures from Lead Adventure Miniatures sculpted by the talented Igor Karpov! First of all we have the Kampftauchers in diving suits and they look extremely good, ideal for some modern and post-apoc settings! I really love the facial expressions, poses and weapons. Well, about everything really!

The second release are some Kampftauchers in their landing uniforms! These miniatures are also sculpted by the genius Igor Karpov for the "Contaminated Seas" theme. All of these miniatures will be released in February!

I hope you liked this update!



The Angry Lurker said...

Some lovely stuff there, great heads up!

Anonymous said...

Im really looking forward to those Victrix Greeks

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Nice you found this post interesting. Indeed I will probably also start an new period with these!