Hi, Finally I'm able to post some more wargame news as my studies took lots of my hobby time! Some while ago I started to regulary visit the Wargames Factory website to find some exciting news for my "wargame news" posts. There I stumbled upon their latest news, an upcoming painting contest with 9 categories based on their existing ranges with 45 chances to win - $2700 worth of prizes!
Five awards in each category:
- 1st Prize is a $100 gift certificate
- 2nd Prize is a $80 gift certificate
- 3rd Prize is a $60 certificate
- 4th Prize is a $40 certificate
- 5th Prize is a $20 certificate
I carefully read the competition rules and saw it was allowed to enter with already painted and published miniatures. Therefor I decided to test my luck in the "Wars of Empire" category. I entered several new and old photographs of both my Zulu's and British soldiers. The amazing result? Two of my entries won awards in their category and granted me $140 of Wargames Factory miniatures! Not sure what I will buy but I guess there will be heading a lot of plastic to me from America.
First prize worth $100

The fourth prize worth $40
1 comment:
Hi, of course I will take a look!
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