Hi, here's a lot of wargame news! Starting with the release of the awesome Avatars of War Dwarf Berserkers! These multipose plastic Dwarf set will enable you to build up to 17 troopers and 3 command figures. As most of the plastic kits avaible , this kit is also tooled and produced by Renedra! So quality of the plastic used will not cause any problems! This kit is available for pre order at Wayland Games for the fair price of £20!

The second new item is the game called "Bushido" which is a skirmish game set in Japan during the Samurai era but with a fantasy touch in the form of demons and magic! This new game is created by inventive team of GCT Studios. The first releases of the game will exist out of four factions each with their own number of faction members, strengths and weaknesses. Each of these starterkits will contain dices and the free quick rules for the game along with the stat cards for your faction members. These factions cost £27.95 and contain five to seven pewter extremly detailled miniatures! These miniatures are also directly available at Wayland Games.

The most exciting news for me is the release of the free science fiction rules at Mantic Games! Finally there will be another large wargame company with their own range of miniatures, backgrounds and rulesets! I'm really looking forward to see the miniatures for these ruleset! These free beta rules are downloadable from the Mantic Games website.

Another release of Mantic Games their second boardgame! This time the boardgame is called "Dwarf King's Hold Green Menace" and will contain a ruleset, dices, dungeon tiles, elves and orcs! This boardgame is avaible at the Mantic Games shop for the price of £34.99!

Another new rulebook is due to be released by Warlord Games! Actually it isn't an new ruleset but a supplement for their amazing Black powder ruleset. This new supplement will cover specific rules for the 18th century of warfare such as rules for raids and invasions, the French and Indian wars and so on! for more information go to the Warlord Games Website!

There is also the release of the Wargames Factory multi pose skeleton warriors! These miniatures must be the best set they every released, just check out these painted examples! The miniatures are scaled 28mm and are made in hard plastic. These skeletons just shout out to be faced against Jason and his Argonauts! The set contains 30 of these miniatures at the retail price of $ 19.95! For more information and the possibility to buy them go to Wargames Factory Shop! But there is more wargames factory is now also showing some previews of their Stormtrooper heavy weapons set and their long awaited WSS cavalry!

At last there are the Bengali and Mysorean command and sepoy figures from Golconda Rising! This awesome private range is now available from Eureka miniatures, they aren't mentionned on the online shop so sending them an email is probably the best option if you want to buy these figures!

A photo of the Mysorean infantry! Four different poses available.
I hope you liked this rather large newsflash!
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Good info.
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