Sunday, May 8, 2011

Assembling an invasion fleet

Hi, as mentionned in a previous post I've recently started an attempt to recreate the fictional invasion of England or better known as operation Sealion in 20mm scale. The first thing I needed was an German invasion fleet! The fleet that was assembled for the operation existed out of nothing more than hundreds of unmotorized barges, dozens of motorized barges and tugboats. These improvised transport ships were occasionally defended by Kriegsmarine surface vessels and U-boats. In an attempt to increase the defence of the slow fleet, German engineers added armor and AA guns of all sorts and sizes. Due to a shortage of trained naval personnel to man these guns, poorly trained army personnel was pressed into service decreasing the much needed firepower of the fleet.

My fleet for the moment exists out of two unpowered barges which I built by using my pontoonbridge, two motorized barges, two small tugboats and a siebelfaehre (some sort of improvised pontoon sometimes equiped with up to four flak 88's!).

In my attempt to increase the fleet's firepower I managed to built three AA gun emplacements which will be placed upon some of the fleet's ships.



The Angry Lurker said...

Very nice.

Paul said...

They look great, keep em comming mate.

Regards Paul

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks, more progress will follow within weeks.