Monday, April 18, 2011

Perry French and Mantic Ghouls almost finished!

Hi, here's another post about my recent painting activity. The last weeks however I haven't painted so much but here are some picture of what I've managed to paint. First of all some miniatures which showed up on my paintingdesk but won't receive a lick of paint as they will be batch painted later with some other goblins for my small fantasy goblin army. The miniatures are from an old game called "Space Crusade" and will be used as Tirrailleurs Goblinaise!

The second miniature is a GW rohan horse which I painted to see if the color scheme is fit for an entire unit of them. This was also my first 28mm horse I've painted since I started to wargame.

Other miniatures I've started to paint are some French Napoleonics for my ongoing French Army project. The miniatures aren't my best painted Napoleonics but they will receive a place in the second row of a base (where they aren't so visible).

Here are some Foundry miniatures for my ongoing conquering the unkown project. The miniatures aren't finished but are almost ready. I especially love the packmule!

At last I have some Mantic Games ghouls which I received for free when they were releasing the new miniatures! These miniatures are also almost finished except for some details such as their eyes, ... These miniatures were first blockpainted and afterwards painted with several GW inkts such as Devlan mud and the new black inkt. (They look much better without an extravaganza of light!)

I hope you enjoyed this small update!



GEM Team said...

their comming along very nicely.

kingsleypark said...

Lots of projects!!

Looking good though so keep at it!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

@ Kingsleypark: I hope so but painting napoleonics is so hard, I only manage to paint maybe 3 of them in a month! 24 in a unit? 8 months for a unit without basing.

kingsleypark said...

I know exactly how you feel. Took me a year to paint and base a battalion of British line infantry :-(