Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Some progress...

Hi, I've made some progress on some of my ever during terrain projects! But they are likely to be finished before christmas. I haven't much photographs because I'm to lazy to find the camera and most of the projects are stored away in a cabinet.

What I managed to do:

- Basecoat 2 generic colonial houses
- Basecoat my large colonial house
- Build 4 teepee's
- Painted the 4 teepee's (I quit like them)
- Build an Iroquois longhouse (another underway)
- Build a generic campfire
- Basecoated my colonial British fort
- Basecoated some large wooden barricades (anti-dino defence, native style)

At least one photo in this post: the 2 generic colonial houses (to test some new building methodes).

I hope you like them!



Game Master Rob Adams said...

These will look really good in AWI or FIW games

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks I've made them so generic as possible to fit my ever changing wargame settings.