Thursday, September 16, 2010

My desk

Hi, I wanted to share the place where I paint miniatures and construct my terrain. Some of you may have seen my desk in a previous post that I posted when I finally moved to my new wargame dedicated room but thinks have changed! First of all a photo of my desk a week after I moved into the room. Spacious workingspace, lots of storage possibilities and tidy, almost sterile!

Now a photo of my desk, 6 months later! I finally settled and all the things have found their place, the storagespace is now filled but not crowded, the workingspace is full of stuff but I added some new cartonboard storageboxes which come in really handy for the storage of miniatures, bits and pieces and sprues. The cabinet is now also decorated with lovely artwork from miniature boxes. What's where?

Cartonboard storages: Sprues, blisters, bits and pieces for scratchbuilding, old secondhand metal miniatures.

Wooden boxes (above the cartonboard storages): Miniatures in different stages of completion from based to basecoated and from partially painted to painted.

First shelf of the cabinet: construction tools, my hardboard bases in all sizes.

Second shelf of the cabinet: Finished miniatures waiting for some varnish, 1/72 miniatures, 1/72 vehicles still on sprue, small terrain pieces waiting to be finished.

Top shelf of the cabinet: Miniature boxes for inspiration and guide during paintingsessions.

PS: check out my new project: the colonial house visible on the desk (second picture)

I hope you enjoyed this small post about my beloved workingspace!



Tony said...

That first photo is creepy, no modelling desk should look that clean and tidy!

The second is better, but still needs to be muddied up a little.

Seriously- thanks for sharing.


Alfrik said...

Do not Blink your eyes or Poof! the table is stacked 3 projects deep and 2 projects high as differnt model ideas hit you!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

I'm keeping my eyes open and I'm hoping that I can finish something before building or painting something else! (that will never happen, too much ideas! :p)

I'm planning to do another post about my workbench in a couple of months so you can see the progress.

Greets and thanks for leaving nice comments!