Thursday, April 22, 2010

On the paintingtable! Kallistra miniatures update

Hi, here are some new and old 28mm miniatures which I've finished recently. All of these figures were painted for my chaos on the red planet project. I've also built some smaller buildings for my mining colony but I won't post anymore pictures about the colony untill it's painted!


- 3 Scavengers (now completly painted)
- 3 Kultheans (buglike aliens)
- 2 Halvmörks (dwarvish miners)
- 1 Caladan (alien mercenary)

All the miniatures are painted with a mix of 12 gamesworkshop paints.

The miners' backs, tried out a new painting technique involving block painting and blacklining.

The front of the Halvmörk.

The 3 scavengers.

The back of the alien mercenary, he's the first miniatures to be painted white.

The front of the alien mercenary, the miniatures and others shown on this post were purchased from a LAF-member. The alien mercenary was partial painted but I touched him up a little bit.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures,


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