Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On the paintingtable! Italeri and Matchbox

Hi, last week I painted some new miniatures all 1/72! No photo's for the moment, ... but they are soon to follow.

Painted and based:

- An American combat engineer battalion (33 figures = 17 bases)
- A small American navy contigent (sailors, pilots) (13 figures = 7 bases)
- 2 small American marine battalions ( 34 figures = 18 bases)

Based but unpainted:

- A fullsize japanese battalion (45 figures = 23 bases)
- A small japanese battalion (31 figures = 16 bases)
- Some japanese prisonner markers (4 figures = 2 bases)

New units and things to do on the 1/72 workbench:

- Texture, paint and flock 3 russian battalions (130 figures = 63 bases)
- Panzergrenadiere (italeri) 1 battalion with good supportunits
- Russian infantry (italeri) 1 battalion with minor supportunits
- 2 japanese battalions (matchbox) (100 figures = 50 bases)

Conclusion: To many stuff to paint but I'm rolling 80 figures painted and based in +/- 3.5 hours without dryingtime.

Greets, so stay tuned pictures of the painted units are on their way!

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