Thursday, February 25, 2010

Some scratchbuild trucks

Hi, here are new post about my terrain anf other wargame related stuff, this time some scratchbuild trucks.

The trucks were ment to be used as some transport for my upcoming BCW (Belgian Civil War) militia "VWA" (Vlaamsche weerstand Avelgem or the Flemish resistance Avelgem) But they came out the make a little bit outscale! They are really huge!

The link to the mainsite of BCW:

The 2 trucks on a row, an openback truck and a closed truck.

The trucks were made out off:

- Corrugated cartonboard
- Thick cartonboard
- Wooden circles (wheels)
- Hotglue (for the assembly)
- Balloonsticks
- Thin pieces of wood

An other shot of the trucks.
