Sunday, September 6, 2009

WWII Armoured Russian train (15mm)

Here are some pictures of my second attempt! This one looks a little bit better :p However still in progress. This train consist of a locomotive, 2 light gunwagons, 1 heavy gunwagon, 4 ordinary wagons. Their are also 3 damaged and burning ordinary wagons! To represent destroyed wagons in a game. This train was also made entirely out of cartonboard and covered with pieces of bandage.

The locomotive.

The heavy gunwagon, the turrets were made of lids, toothpicks and balloonsticks.

The other side of the heavy gun wagon.

The 2 light gunwagons, the turrets here were made of cartonboard, toothpicks and balloonsticks.

A view of 1 light gunwagon.

The 4 ordinary wagons, roofs were made of corrugated cartonboard.

The damaged wagons, the fire was made of hotglue I sculpted to represent flames.

Close up of the fire.

Some testers I made of the flames, they look pretty good!

the entire train, he just needs some detailling such as extra machineguns, maybe some AA-guns and much paint!

I think I will paint him grey or brown with large rectangular camouflage patterns, and on the bandage I will put some flock.