Friday, November 12, 2021

Wayland Games: Embrace Chaos - Warcry: Red Harvest & More

Wayland Games: Rally your Warband with up to 20% off! This week’s Games Workshop pre-orders include new additions for Warcry, Blood Bowl, Black Library, and more. Warcry: Red Harvest is the newest expansion for Age of Sigmar Warcry and pits the Tarantulos against the Darkoath Savages in a fight for Varanite. Featuring two warbands, rulebook, dice and terrain and a great addition to any Warcry collection. Check these new pre-orders now here

The Khorne Team charge out onto the pitch this week with the Skull-Tribe Slaughterers! This team relish in the spilling of blood and with their own Pitch & Dugout, Card Pack and Dice Set. Continuing the campaign from Book 1: Rising Tide, the new War Zone Octarius Book 2: Critical Mass adds new legendary and branching missions and more. Enhance your War Zone Octarius games with the Critical Mass Dice too. Make sure to also pick up Crusade Mission Pack: Catastrophe, the newest Mission Pack that includes 21 new missions. Not forgetting Da Red Gobbo and Bounca, a Christmas miniature that features the Gretchin atop his Squig steed. The Warmaster Iconoclast Heavy Battle Titan for Adeptus Titanicus whose desolator chainsword and Krius siege drill will give your enemies something to watch out for! Finally, for Necromunda is the Cawdor Weapons & Upgrades which will help you outfit your Cawdor Gang with alternative weaponry to vanquish your foes.

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