Monday, August 10, 2020

West Wind Productions: New Weird Wars American and Japanese Panzer Mechs

West Wind Productions: Panzer Mech 28mm Weird WWII New Releases ! Check out these two gorgeous 3d designed resin Mecha to populate your 28mm Weird WWII Universe.

PzM-03 Tecumesh Mech £25 RRP - The Tecumesh Mech is essentially an up gunned replacement for the earlier Big Chief mech. Designed and built by Ensign Albrect Locomotive. The M4 Tecumesh features many refined details of production - shape, strength, with vastly improved performance. 

PzM-07 Akuma JuMech  £25 RRP - Based on the lithe movement and posture of the fearsome Kaiju, combined with the most advanced Unit 731 technology, the Japanese are certainly surging forward with their advances in Mecha technology.

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