Friday, June 26, 2020

Northumbrian Tin Soldier: The Wizards Folly - Multipart Tower

Northumbrian Tin Soldier: This rather extravagant resin terrain set measures in at just under 230mm tall and 110mm wide at the base and contains 5 x ‘Large Tower Pieces’ and 9 x ‘Accessory pieces. Straight from the heart of the Darkewood to your table, this terrain will make a great addition to your games or diorama. This set can be constructed and used together as a large Tower, or you can use the sections individually as ruins or scatter terrain. The inside of the tower is filled with detailed brickwork and nik-naks for you to paint; there is even room inside to maneuver a miniature or two.

The outside of the tower is adorned with Vines, Windows and other features you would expect to find on any self respecting medieval fantasy fortress. Works really well with our Overgrown Ruins and Timeworn Statues sets. Check more details here

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