Monday, March 25, 2019

Breaking! Northstar Miniatures: Salute 2019 - Plastic Oathmark Heavy Dwarf Infantry Preview!

Breaking! Northstar Miniatures: Oathmark Plastic Heavy Dwarf Infantry Preview!Northstar Miniatures: Lastly and not least, the 5th box set for Oathmark will be debuting at Salute. This is the Dwarf Heavy Infantry set. You will be able to order it online the same weekend, but if you're coming to Salute, pop along to the Osprey Games (TH17) stand and get yourself a set there and then. 

Looks like the sprue will once more contain five miniatures with a whole range of weaponry and cool helmets! The 28mm scaled miniatures in this new Oathmark boxed set represent the fierce Dwarf Heavy Infantry armed with large axes and wearing their iconic fierce-looking flame resistant masked helmets. 
Breaking! Northstar Miniatures: Oathmark Plastic Heavy Dwarf Infantry Preview!

Breaking! Northstar Miniatures: Oathmark Plastic Heavy Dwarf Infantry Preview!

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