They range from short stories to full blown scenarios for a variety of games systems supported by Orcs in the Webbe (and maybe even introducing some new ones to the OITW fold).
Our inaugural 2017 release is by Flintloque alumnus and Panzerfauste co-creator, Matthew Hartley. Matthew has once again created a brand new and original card game exclusively for the calendar. In "The Raft of the Medusa" 3 to 6 players take on the roles of shipwrecked crew afloat in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1816. Being one of a handful of survivors your comrades have succumbed to starvation, thirst, madness and despair. You must make hard decisions in order to survive must survive until rescued. But beware, your choices make come back to haunt you when you are eventually rescued... Check the article here
Day two of the Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar sees classic Flintloque alumnus Danny O'Hara turn his attention to a less well known area of Valon, the Kinkon Delta! Oh yes! In this years short story we are introduced to a new cast of characters in one of the quirkier Flintloque 'spin-off' settings.Click on the link below to read, " A Heart of Dorcness". Check the article here The Kinkon Delta setting has impressive pedigree. First published back in 1996 by one of the games creators, Steve Blease, in the official magazine, Orcs in the Hills. That article is also available in full on OITW, just click on the link below to read, "The Kinkon Delta". Check the article here
Cementing the setting's place in modern Flintloque, back in November 2007 Alternative Armies' Lead Writer and Head of the World of Valon, Gavin Syme, wrote a follow up article for Flintloque Reloaded which was updated by my good self in 2014 giving you full rules for playing in this fantastic side step universe :) Click on the link below to read, "The Kinkon Goblins". So, get your Rolling Stones out and sing along, "I see a line of Orcs and they're all painted Blacke"! Check the article here
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