Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Drowned Earth: Decide The Future of The Drowned Earth

The Drowned Earth: The Drowned Earth Kickstarter got off to a strong start, funding in an hour and having broken through quite a few stretch goals already! Some data: Funded in 1 hour, All 4 factions unlocked in 6 hours and the Rulebook unlocked in first 24 hours

The guys at The Drowned Earth just announced something very exciting! A “Choose your own Adventurer” event, which will run for the course of the campaign. The game creator will be writing a short story in episodes, and at the end of each episode will be a poll with a number of questions for backers to answer. The results of these questions will determine things like: What species, What gender and  Weapon load out

And of course how the character responds to what happens in the story!  So a choose your own adventure story, but choosing the nature of the character too! Best part of it? At the end of the campaign the model will actually be sculpted, and all backers at Starter Box level or higher will get it for free! How cool is that? You can check out the Kickstarter here

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