Friday, September 2, 2016

Nexus Miniatures: New Superheroes Pre-Order - The Strangers, Demogorgon and More

Nexus Miniatures: The Red Sector Cleanup Crew - 28mm Scale - 4 Ex-Miners turned Rescue Operatives, they get called in whenever things get messy.

As part of the Pre-Order Set you also get three "Splutter-Bots" - normally a separate purchase, one of which (who calls himself Steed for some reason) will only be available to purchase as part of this Retro-Booster Offer - remaining stocks will be only made available as part of other promotions or at Shows.  Pre-Order Price £19.50! (RRP £19.50 not including the 3 Retro-Booster Sputter-Bots). Sculpted by Carl Stoelzel!

'The Strangers' plus their Arch Enemy, the Demon Gorgon!​ - 28mm Scale - 4 Adventurous kids, including the Mysterious Psychic "Elle". The set also comes with the Strangers arch-enemy The "Demon Gorgon". £20.00 (RRP on full release £22.50) Also Sculpted by Carl Stoelzel!

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