Saturday, December 12, 2015

Heroic Maps: Festive Friday - Heroic Maps Release Ruins of Trostenhal‏ - Bargain Price

Heroic Maps: This week, for Festive Friday, we're releasing not one, not two, but four 20x20 battlemaps. The Ruins of Trostenhal is a frozen ruined Dwarven hold. 

Each map in the set can be used on its own, for an encounter or battle, but they can also be combined with the rest of the set to create a huge ruined Dwarven hold. And to celebrate our Festive Friday sale, each map will be half price until next Friday!

Long ago the Dwarves of Trostenhal were famous throughout the Fourteen Kingdoms as smiths, weaponmasters and runemages. People travelled to the grand hold of Trostenhal and the trade made the Dwarves wealthy and respected. What happened to ruin this is unclear - the scribes still struggle to piece together the accounts - but what is clear is that a huge cataclysm shook the mountain and destroyed Trostenhal, allowing the ice and frost to claim the ruined hold for it's own. Now only rubble and snow fill the lonely corridors, and perhaps the ghosts of those that lived and died there.

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