Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Brian S. Roe: Trash Bash Bits Part 2 Kickstarter Launched

Brian S. Roe: Trash Bash Bits Part 2 is now funding on Kickstarter to create even more cool, new plastic bits to help you create fun and affordable gaming terrain out of common household stuff!

Trash Bash Bits were created to make the crafting of wargame buildings faster and more fun by eliminating the need to scratchbuild doors and windows to add to projects. The first Trash Bash Bits Kickstarter campaign was very successful, and helped to create five designs of science-fiction doors and windows. Trash Bash Bits 2 will add to this collection with five new designs!

The castings of the first TBB campaign were enthusiastically praised by backers for being sharp and clean. The detail on the final castings actually looks sharper than on the prototypes! Plus they are lightweight and have flat backs so you can glue them easily to plastic, foamcore, styrofoam or any other common modeling material. We've already unlocked three reward tiers, so there's lots to choose from. Check the Kickstarter here.

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