Friday, October 2, 2015 Octopod Racer and Platoon Released and Offer! After the fun of the Security Force Alpha (SFA) release of Skimmer packs and offers last month its the turn of another of Elton Water's creations to take the lime (get it!) light once more. The Octopods are back! Octopods are the size and build of Humans with two arms and two legs however they have a cluster of long tentacles which takes the place of their lower faces. Favouring explosive cartridge rifles along with force poles the Octopods make great use of Psykers and also Medics among their ranks and the Seer Guard are an elite formation. Brutal force and lack of tactics sum up the Octopods, the opposite of their natural enemies the Zidhe. Details over here.

We have a new platoon pack which offers a saving just like the one for the Corporate Ashigaru and also a new small vehicle too the Octopod Racer! We have also taken 20% off the core HOF53 Octopod Infantry pack which you can find for this month only on the Deals and Offers page meaning you can expand or start your forces for 15mm science fiction domination of the galaxy with a saving.

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