Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nordic Weasel Games: Laserstorm - Grand Science Fiction Ground Warfare Rules

Nordic Weasel Games: More tanks, more robots, more war! LaserStorm is 6mm science fiction on a massive scale. Each troop stand is one vehicle or a 4-6 person fireteam. Units are platoons and the game can scale up to an entire battalion on the board, if you have the table space. LaserStorm is intended for use with 3mm, 6mm and 10mm figures. All dice used are plain, six-sided dice. No markers or counters are required but a deck of cards is recommended.


colinmnash said...

Shouldn't it say Laserstorm not Firestorm?

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks for the remark, you're right! Just edited the title. Cheers