Saturday, July 18, 2015

DGS Games: Creatures of Faelon Kickstarter - Snake Mystic‏ Re-Released

DGS Games: DGS Games re-released the Snake Mystic with fresh rules that allow her to be played in Freeblades. Rules can be downloaded from here.

First, a bit of background: There are 18 tribes of Urdaggar, each following an animal totem.These tribes are loosely organized into 3 groups (6 tribes each) called Valor, Omen and Ruin.These loose affiliations also happen to fall along the types of Spirit Magic (White, Gray and Black). And while players have a good view into the Tribes of Valor with the existing models/rules, the Snake Mystic represents your first look into the Omen Tribes (specifically the Snake Tribe). Omen Tribesmen are more likely than other tribes to serve as mercenaries or allies and so the Snake Mystic may be taken by either Bandit Faction or the Urdaggar Tribe of Valor.

  • As you read through her rules, you'll start to get feel for how Omen will provide a different flavor from Valor.
  • Where the Bear Mystic's dance ability provides increased offense, the Snake Mystic's dance provides defense.
  • Snake Totem Magic provides the ability to summon the powerful Shalkarak
  • Includes a short range direct damage spell (a 1st for Spirti Magic)

And if the Snake Mystic does not provide you will enough Shalkarak fun, keep an eye out for an upcoming Raid the Nest scenario, where you are tasked with destroying a nest of Shalkaraks! Check the Creatures of Faelon Kickstarter here.

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