Sunday, July 26, 2015

DGS Games: Creatures of Faelon Kickstarter - Kickstarter Deals Still Available Untill August

DGS Games: With the closure of the project, I just wanted to thank everyone for their support.While we love what we do here at DGS, there really wouldn’t be much point if we didn’t have gamers to share it with out there.It’s good to know that others are as excited about our models as we are….means we are doing something right. 

So….what’s next. First, we have Gen Con happening next week.If anyone is out that way, please stop by our booth or join us for a game or 2.We have 18 games on the schedule and while many are filled up, there is always room for more (especially for our KS Backers!).

We’ll continue to post regular updates on the new sculpts as well as news in general.I wouldn’t expect to see backer surveys go out until late August at the earliest (if that changes I will let you know).So give us a little time to recover and get organized. Also, if any of your friends missed the boat and still want to get in on the project, have them contact me direct (, we’ll keep the KS offers open to new backers (or new add-ons) until the end of August.Maybe we can hit that Stretch goal and unlock the Shadow Demon Faction after all. Again, a heartfelt thank you from everyone here at DGS!

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