Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wayland Games: Star Wars X-Wing Flash Sale Friday 13th!

Wayland Games: I'm sure you have all noticed by now but we have a brand new webstore for you all to enjoy with numerous benefits and improvements over the old one. Throughout the rest of this week we will be putting up deals and discounts so keep checking back!

There will be X-Wing deals throughout the day on Friday which will only be live for a very short period of time. The offers will be up for between 15 and 30 minutes or until 30 units are sold whichever comes first. So keep your eyes peeled and check back often to make the most of these deals. This will include:

  • Tie Defenders
  • Tie Phantoms
  • Tie Bombers
  • Tie Advanced
  • Tie Fighters
  • Z-95 Headhunters
  • E-Wings
  • Y-Wings
  • X-Wings

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