Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Warlord Games: Beyond the Gates of Antares Concord Combined Command

Warlord Games: The Concord are the largest and most powerful Panhuman civilisation of the Seventh Age – having colonised almost a quarter of all the known human worlds in Antarean space.

The military arm of the Concord is organised and directed by a branch called the C3 (or Concord Combined Command) and they responds to threats with logical ruthlessness – dispatching heavily armed forces throughout Antarean space.

Headed by Strike Commanders, C3 Strike Units form the bulk of Concord forces – backed-up by support teams – the Concord have access to the most advanced weaponry in all of Antarean space – with their standard Strike Troopers going to battle armed with heavy-duty plasma weaponry and protected by advanced hyper-light shielding.

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