Saturday, February 14, 2015

Megalith Games: Godslayer Trologdyte Gnoll Reaver Runts

Megalith Games: Troglodyte Warbands can now field units of Gnolls, greatly expanding the strategic options of their faction.

Even their own comrades despise them and trample over them when tactically prudent, and in this way, Reaver Runts can act as a shield in front of other Troglodyte units, preventing them being charged, but allowing the Troglodyte units to charge over the Gnolls.

Alternatively, Reaver Runts could be played as part of an exclusively Gnoll warband, offering the option to field a real horde. With a deployment limit of 6, and 10 models per unit, it's possible to put 60 miniatures on the board for only 318 points! Individually they are a threat only to a human child, but in packs they become a vile menace.

Being 4ft tall and weedy means that the world in general is a frightening place, treating Fear as Horror. Their true cowardly nature is masked when they form into a large group, as their Lead value increases with greater numbers. With the Wildwalker ability, Reaver Runts ignore difficult terrain, making them difficult to catch, especially with their potential movement of 15 inches per turn. Enemies of the Troglodytes - prepare to be overwhelmed by hordes of Reaver Runts!

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