Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Ion Age: New Cratered Hab Dome and Ongoing Offers

The Ion Age: Hab Domes are tough. They need to be. But sometimes that tough exterior comes up against something so lethal that it leaves the Hab Dome a totally ruined shell of what it used to gloriously be. Since we began our terrain range we have had requests for damaged and destroyed structures and after some hard work we can give you just that in the form of the Cratered Hab Dome. A high quality grey tone resin one piece casting which is 65mm wide and 10mm to 25mm tall with a high degree of external and internal detailing. It fits in well with the rest of the terrain range such as the Hab Dome and Block House. Price for this scenery piece is £4.00.

On the 1st of July we will have a new free miniature so if you are keen on getting the IMP10 Malig Tank Ace for free at the rate of one per order (plus you can also purchase him as normal too and get one free extra!) then now it is the time. On popular request we have also made the following offer which is valid until 1st July also. We are offering 10% off the crazy IAF046 Infernus Tank. This rolling ball of death is down to £7.20. More information here.

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