Tuesday, June 24, 2014

RAFM Miniatures: Universal Soldier Game and Figure Kickstarter

RAFM Miniatures: Brantford, ON – June 24, 2014 – Silver Fox Productions Inc. will launch their new fundraising program for RAFM Fantasy Miniatures Universal Soldier Game and Figures on Kickstarter, tomorrow, June 25, 2014. This program will be open to supporters until July 11, 2014. So find us on Kickstarter and support our new project.

What has gone before, “In the land of Alioth, where gods walk the earth, the ancient relics hold dominion over the races. Lost in ancient myth and Legend lies the truth behind what happened those eons ago that brought the world of Alioth to life. Since the Age of Pestilence almost every race of Alioth has shed some light on the past that is this world. 

During the tyranny of that age the Vampyre Kings ruled the enslaved peoples and forced them to labor under their merciless whip of bondage. Men, Elves and Dwarves all toiled for their masters providing their lifeblood to feed their vampire masters. When the Age of Pestilence finally drew to an end the evil God Saraband passed through a spirit gate into the mortal realm and mustered his people in great armies. The bloody hand of Saraband swept across the world ending the reign of the Vampyre Kings. With it the enslaved races gained no release only a change of masters. 

It was in the Age of Saraband that Durandeil the Goddess of the elves angered at her peoples enslavement by the Vanir sundered the lands between them and sunk it beneath the waves. Horrified by this act of destruction the Vanir called for vengeance against her children and began a Holy War that has lasted even to the present. In their mountain hold of Fornberg the Dwarves turned on their oppressors claiming the stronghold for themselves and gained their freedom. In the Kingdom of High Erish the Paladin Leander was raising the people against Saraband. Gifted by the Father God Thalos with a sword capable of slaying the God Leander formed the Order of the Silver Sword and began a campaign to throw Saraband's chains from his people. The age of Saraband would soon come to an end. 

It is now the Age of Balance and for a while the races have enjoyed they're hard won freedom. But greed has once again drawn their attention to the Wastes. At first it was only the leaders that argued over the rightful ownership of the mines. Although each nation had a claim paid for with the blood of their people none could come to an agreement on ownership. So once again the nations went to war. Years of conflict over the desolate land have brought no true victor as the nation’s wage war for the vital Demon Ore.” Come to Alioth and stake your claim as the ruler of a nation!

We are raising funds for production of a new project. An impressive fantasy miniatures war game, the Universal Soldier Battle System will be a large rulebook supported by our classic miniatures converted to plastic models. It is clear that the fans in the gaming industry want plastic models for their tabletop games. The goal of this project is to get more miniatures into your hands at a great price, while getting new rules to our fans. Plastic models are a more cost effective way to field an army. Thru this Kickstarter we will be providing the industry with awesome sculpts at a terrific price!

This fund raising project aims to build the world of the Universal Soldier Fantasy Battle System through a new plastic miniatures line. Founded in 1977, RAFM Miniatures has been designing and manufacturing imaginative miniatures for over 35 years. RAFM Miniatures is a ground breaking company in the miniatures industry and will provide the Universal Soldier and Fists of War product line with the detail and excellence its fans deserve.  Silver Fox Productions Inc. will update in the forums featuring all of the latest Universal Soldier news.

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