Monday, June 16, 2014

Dust Tactics: Operation Babylon Kickstarter Final Days

Dust Tactics: We are down to the final week and the rollercoaster ride continues. Our first Kickstarter campaign has been a wonderful experience. The huge variety of models for Operation Babylon has made the project a monster – especially as they are all available either in the standard pre-assembled, pre-primed form, or as expertly painted Premium Edition models! 

As we head into our final weekend a brand new faction, Mercenaries, is about to appear on the scene. And with several new free unlocks imminent there has never been a better time to get into Dust.

At the main ‘Troop Leader’ army-deal pledge level, backers are already receiving double the value of their pledge. And over the final days there will be even more added value thrown into the mix. Come and check us out and see what all the excite is about as DUST will change how you think a tabletop miniature game should be as it comes primed and assembled ready to play right out of the box.

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