Saturday, June 28, 2014

Daishō: Upcoming Medieval, Mystical Japanese Skirmish Game – Daishō

Daishō: Charles and I are now working furiously on our medieval, mystical Japanese skirmish game – Daishō. This game will offer players the opportunity to play in this fascinating and exciting era and replicate the battles found in such films as 47 Ronin, 13 Assassins and so very many manga and anime publications and films.

Although Daishō shall have many similarities to its older brother, In Her Majesty’s Name, we are determined to start from the ground up and ensure that it is not just a clone but a fully-featured game in its own right with its foundations deep in Japanese mythology.

As it stands we are looking to have Daishō ready by the end of the year. This will include playtesting (form an orderly queue boys) and getting the artwork and photos we shall need and finally doing the layout. We publish regular updates on the project on our Daishō blog, which you can find here. Attached is a picture of a sculpt a friend of ours has done to help support the project. It features the legendary, half-Oni warrior monk Benkei.


Matholwch said...

Thanks for posting this, you are all gentlemen of the highest esteem.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hello Craig, thanks for the nice comment. Cheers