Saturday, May 3, 2014

Minairons Miniatures: New 1/72 Nationalist Infantry Pre-Order

Minairons Miniatures: According to theoretical deadlines, the first sets of our 1/72 Nationalist Infantry should already be in our headquarters. However, the foundry where they're being cast has experienced an unexpected increase of work lately, affecting a bit their pending orders. Not any problem though, because that only means some three or four days of delay --no more. This is why we've decided to make them available for order in our webstore anyway, in the full confidence we'll be able to ship those ordered sets before the end of week.

As customary in our SCW figures range, all 15 infantrymen in this set are different to each other --no repeated poses. Two of them are armed with SMGs and/or show leading poses, thus easing to be used as NCOs. Pricing policy keeps being the same one started with our Republican sets: € 15.95 RRP the box. Work on the next Nationalist set has already started, allow us a few days for posting some preliminary sketches on them!

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