Friday, May 30, 2014

Khurasan Miniatures: 15mm Three Kingdoms Koreans Released

Khurasan Miniatures: We are very pleased to release our latest Ancients range, Three Kingdoms Korean. This epic, romantic period of Korean history touches on the history of other Asian states as well – the T'ang Chinese, the Kofun Japanese, and the Khitans, among others.

The armies were balanced, usually containing large numbers of mixed spear and bow infantry with smaller armored cavalry forces, and some light cavalry as well. The mightiest state militarily was the North Korean Goguryeo Kingdom, with the smaller kingdoms to the south, the Silla and Baekche, relying on foreign alliances against the North. (Certainly nothing like today!) Several of the mounted types are available with a choice of mounts, as will be seen below. Senior cataphracts in full body armor – with armored horses, fancy or plainer horse furniture (please note we use the term "cataphract" because it is so widely used in wargaming parlance, not because the Koreans used it).

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