Friday, May 2, 2014

Hallowed Ground Terrain: Hallowed Ground Terrain's Free Fire Zone Kickstarter

Hallowed Ground Terrain: Hallowed Ground Terrain is proud to introduce our Kickstarter campaign for the world's largest selection of 15mm Vietnam terrain, and a completely new rewrite of the classic Vietnam miniatures wargame rules, “Free Fire Zone.” Our terrain list will kick off with 60+ pieces of terrain and is on pace to top 100 by the end of 2014. And the best part of it all........All of it is made in the USA. That's right, all painting and production work for our line is done right here in the US.

The centerpiece of our terrain line with be a highly detailed, modular 25 piece resin firebase set that can be completely customized and expanded to whatever size you'd like. Not only is the outside perimeter fences and bunkers included, so are all of the commonly found structures found in a Vietnam-era firebase. Here's what we've got so far:

- 10 interior buildings (CP, bunkers, ammo dumps, artillery pits, etc.) with another 10 in the design stage.
- 28 field positions, bunkers, & trenches. These include US, VC/NVA, & generic positions.
- 10 Vietnamese hooches, huts, & village pieces with removable roofs and raised platforms.
- 10 Objective markers
- 10 Brown Water Navy ATCs, Monitors, Junks, sampans, & patrol boats.

All of these pieces are done and ready to move into full production at the close of our Kickstarter. By the end of 2014 we expect to be producing over 100 Vietnam 15mm terrain pieces.

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