Monday, March 24, 2014

Tabletop Workshop: Upcoming Hard-Plastic Barn and Stable Preview‏ed

Tabletop Workshop: We are delighted to unveil the two latest buildings that will soon be added to the Tabletop Workshop 28mm Medieval Range. The Barn and the Stable are smaller buildings and are based around the existing cottage design. The tooling for these fantastic new buildings are being manufactured at the moment and they will be available on the web store soon for the price of £16.50.

The latest buildings, like our others, have detail inside and out, and between the Barn and the Stable, the buildings include cart wheels, horse shoes, pitch forks, and other little bits of nifty interior detail. The buildings will be moulded in our usual hard plastic, and use the same mechanisms as all of the the other buildings Tabletop Workshop have released so far. You can find the full press release here along with some pictures of the used metal moulds!

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