Sunday, March 23, 2014

Strange Aeons: New Black Goat Cult Watcher Miniature

Strange Aeons has previewed this new miniature. I've just sent out the latest issue of Fhtagn!, the Cult of the Black Goat newsletter. There's enough members now that I'm trying out a delivery service, and while it looks like the emails are getting through just fine, if any Cult members haven't received the message by the end of the day, double check your spam folders and let me know if nothing has reached you.

As already revealed in the LPC, this year's exclusive Cult model is 'The Watcher', sculpted by Bob Murch. You should seriously check out Bob's own paint job over in the LPC thread, but here's our 'studio' model, which lets you see just how big this beastie is (Agent James included for scale purposes only). New members of the Cult will now receive this model as part of their welcome package, and existing Cultists will have one added to their first UWM webstore order this "Cult year".

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