Monday, March 24, 2014

Orcs in the Webbe: Gobliana Joonz returns from the Flintloque archives!‏

Orcs in the Webbe: Heya Folks! Today the famed Orc treasure-hunter returns to the pages of Orcs in the Webbe in Danny O'Hara's classic Flintloque scenario, The Temple of Dhogmandont. Whilst not as well known as Danny's fantastic Dreadloque series, this Gobliana Joonz tale was one of the ones many people including my gaming group and I played a lot back in the nineties.

As with many scenarios from back then it introduced a Flintloque version of a well known character along with a plethora of devious villains. And now the world has been re-introduced to the good Doctor Joonz I think it's long overdue we see a sequel... Tune in this Friday to see what he's been up to! And, if that's not enough, next Monday you can read about another of Valon's treasure hunters (cast a few years later from a very similar mold) Diggenuptha Bones and his father, Ornery Bones Sr in Finders of the Lost Orc...

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