Saturday, March 1, 2014

Moonlight Miniatures: New Pirates and Pirate Zombies Released

Moonlight Miniatures: A foul wind be blowin'. It be blowing with the stench of spilled rum and blood. That be the smell of voodoo. And there be yer proof. Look lively and prime the swivel guns. Prepare for boarders!!!

Freshly dismissed from the Convent of Our Lady of the West for bawdy behavior and gambling, Liza Pepper (28076) has found her true calling. The sea calls to her and the blood of innocents spilled there calls to her. Brigands and pirates beware! She be a firey woman who is quite well aquainted with both flintlock and steel. Liza has not the soft heart of her sisters of the cloth. Nay. Nor is she likely to turn the other cheek. They say she be more likely to give ye the second barrel instead.

Tobias LeMort (28077) died under mysterous circumstances three nights ago. He's been quite active ever since. Some might say he's been even more active since his untimely death than he ever was in life. The voodoo has him and he be lost for all time.

Formerly a minor government official with a penchant for corruption, Stede McDeed (28078) just didn't know when to walk away from a bad deal. When his bureaucratic threats and greedy hand wandered into business that was not his own, a certain individual with skills in a certain black art took an active interst in Stede's business. His life will never be the same.

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