Saturday, March 22, 2014

Megalith Games: A Host of New Characters for Godslayer

Megalith Games: A Host of New Characters for Godslayer. For those that don’t know already, Godslayer is a new tabletop skirmish set in a sword & sorcery world of blood and bronze, loosely based on ancient cultures and mythology of Greece, Rome, Persia and Celts etc. For the end of March Megalith games are releasing a character for most of the 6 factions, as well as the long awaited sons of War unit.

Blackwater Banshee (Wyldfolk faction) – A sinister, magical character for the Tuathan sub-faction. These Celtic-inspired worshippers of the Nature Goddess embrace her aspect of Morrigu – Mother of Death, Queen of Decay.

Chainslayer (Nordgaard faction) – A 9ft tall ogre berserker armed with whipping chainblades has a similar effect as a lawn-mower, cutting down lightly armed enemies like blades of grass. This character adds some serious punch to the Skannfyrd sub-faction – a culture loosely based on Vikings.

Packlasher (Troglodytes Faction) – In Troglodyte Gnoll society a good whipping usually accomplishes more than an inspiring speech. Dishing out such encouragement are the purveyors of pain called Packlashers. Just by the mere fact that they have luckily survived many battles, Packlashers are renowned champions among their tribe.

Bloodgut Ravager (Banebrood faction) – Loosely based on German tribes, the Reavers are mutated cannibals who yearn to tear down civilization. Now they have a character to lead the assault on the walls of civilization. this brutal fighter is useful for buffing Reaver units.

Sons of War (Halodynes Faction) – These devout temple warriors worship Achallon - the Halodyne God of War. As such they wear his traditional panoply and use his traditional fighting style, representing some of the most elite warriors in the world of Calydorn. For more information, visit

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