Friday, March 21, 2014

GCT Studios: Waku, Soul Collector, Cult of Yurei Preview

GCT Studios: The demon of legend, Waku, the collector of souls, has returned. His power is only matched by his cruelty. His life force sustained by draining and claiming the lives of the living who appear on Jikoku's list, an evil artefact that is said to be the source of his power, suggesting that Waku is merely the avatar of an even greater threat. Conjecture aside, this Yokai shugenja is without question a powerful weapon in Yurei's arsenal. 

Broken followers of Yurei throw themselves in the path of kill-strokes aimed at Waku in a mindless devotion to their dark master. With a point of a twisted finger and the muttering of a few ancient pernicious words, Waku's enemies burst into flames, wreathed in an eerie green glow as they crumple and die in agony. Waku simply vanishes in a dense fog, searching for the next victim to complete their death sentence. Waku Will Be Released in Bushido's Wave 17 on April 11th!

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