Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fenris Games: March Pre-Order Bonanza!

Fenris Games: The Lazy Forger's parcel of masters arrived safely and the next step's to prep & mould everything in time for Salute. This'll take time and, more importantly, money, at a point where every last penny's pre-spent on the upcoming trade show season, so instead of a Kickstarter and a vague promise of goodies sometime in the distant future, we're running pre-orders on all of this new stuff, at reduced cost compared to the final prices.

Innsmouth elevations, Lazy Trebuchet, Mini Wagon, Aluminium Siding, Windowed Wall, Brick Wall, Corrugated Roof and Innsmouth Shingles are all in the webshop now - and all will be ready for posting out BEFORE Salute (or for collection on the day if you want to pre-order).

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