Monday, February 17, 2014

The Ion Age: 15mm Khamel Tracked Bike Previewed!

Just received this excellent news and concept art from Gavin over at The Ion Age! The IAF028 Muster Khamel Tracked Warbike pack will be released on 27th February 2014 along with all the normal images and options for buy a pack, buy three packs with a discount and buy the single miniatures from the pack too. I am thinking with this pack of making the Khamel Bike only a 'buy three save 10%' option too as its a unique model on its own too. If you are keen on this then let me know. The image in this post gives you the scale next to the 15mm Muster driver.

Most of the time the awesome comes from the minds of myself and Sam Croes for The Ion Age but this time we cannot take any credit for it. Below you will see an image taken in the late 1930's of a vehicle that became an evolutionary dead end for technology in our world. Designed by French inventer J.Lehaitre and shown in print. We wanted to make this beast a space opera reality in 15mm scale so we did! Our one has a Muster feel and an optional weapon mount but its essentially the same vehicle. As always lots more information can be found on The Ion Age blog.


Gavin Syme (GBS) said...

Thanks! You run the tightest news site for wargaming I know of. News is posted really fast!


Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...
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Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks Gavin, much appreciated we do our utmost best to get the wargame news as fast as possible online for our audience or submitters!
