Friday, September 20, 2013

20mmZone: an Introduction to our New Business of WW2 Miniatures

Just found this excellent news from Ian Clunie from Shell Hole Scenic's and Paul Thompson of Early War Miniatures that they have startered a cooperation called 20mmZone in which both great companies will work together and produce the old Skytrex 20mm vehicles at cheaper prices and better quality! Interested in the full story from both parties involved please read on.

20mmZone: In July 2013, Ian Clunie of Shell Hole Scenic’s (SHS) and Paul Thompson of Early War Miniatures (EWM), purchased all the models and equipments in the old Skytrex 20mm ranges. That did not include their figure or decal ranges, although there are a good number of crewmen for the vehicles and equipments included in what we bought. It seemed a great opportunity to take the finely made masters that we had viewed during our due diligence visit in the April and remould and present them anew to the war gaming and modelling worlds. We were struck by the superb way in which these master patterns had been made. We also believed that the original pricing of the former Skytrex models was too high and that the quality of their metal castings had declined. So we came up with a plan to remake these great models and present them in a new format. The ranges had some duplications that already existed in our own ranges, but the vast majority filled many holes and would take our ranges into new theatres and campaigns to model the interwar and WW2 periods.

Our approach was fairly simple. We would remould the original master patterns and use a mixture of new materials and technologies to make the model parts. These would be a combination of hulls and large track assemblies in a Polyurethane composite resin and white metal for all other parts. We also have redesigned the way the model could be constructed. The concept of rapid build was born. 20mmZone Rapid Build models concept means they must have less than 7 parts and/or be able to be built in under 5 minutes. We cast the detail into the models small number of parts. This provides a highly detailed and sturdy model that is rapid to build and easy to paint. 

Not all the new models will be rapid build, but the fantastic results we are getting from these new materials and technologies will be used across the range of 20mmZone models. EWM had already trailed and issued it range of WW1 tanks in what is described as an easy build format where by the highly detailed hull is supplied as one part, and the additional detail in white metal could be added to achieve a very well detailed model in a very short build time. We have taken this several steps further with the 20mmZone Rapid build concept. Not satisfied with updating the original patterns, we have reviewed the old pricing structures and have been able to reduce the pricing for the tanks by as much as 50%. The new Vickers Light tanks cost as little as £6 each in packs of 3.

We have also revised all the great stowage packs Skytrex were well known for. All have been reduced by 33% to £3 each and with many have the contents increased by upto 50% more. We plan a dedicated web store and has already been purchased. Until that is ready, all products can be viewed and purchased from the EWM web store at under the 20mmzone tabs. 20mmZone has another meaning or consequence on our own business’s i.e. EWM and SHS. Ian and I had already been working closely together over the past 18months trailing a number of joint promotions across our 20mm WW2 ranges. It struck us that together, both Early war Miniatures and ShellHole Scenic’s have together, a great coverage of many things WW2 in this scale. The joint purchase and close co-operation work on the 20mmZone of models helps bring the two business’s closer together. We decided to launch the 20mmZone as a trading space, a “20mm Zone” if you will, where we will jointly set up and trade together promoting all our 20mm products under a single trade space. This will naturally include all the 20mmZone models we are making as well. Another important aspect of the 20mmzone as a trade space is that most if not all products will eventually be from self serve racks and stands combined with well lit displays showing the products. But, more importantly, both Ian, Peter Day and I will be out front, able to talk to and help customers rather than hiding behind a kiosk/trade counter. Ian has medical issues that means he cant spend as much time on his feet, but the idea is for most of the products to be visible on racks where you can browse and select what you want, not que up and keep asking to see product X, then see product Y etc. This new Open format has been very successful for EWM and in talking to our customers, they had said they appreciated that Peter and I are “available” to speak to and they can see things on the racks, they often did not know we even did. Plus, they can see the quality before they but, as products are visible and accessible.

Our goal then is to create a “zone” where everything you need in 20mm scale can be purchased, and it goes further. EWM has been making and selling its own range of WW1 miniatures and very successful modular vacuum formed trench systems for some time now. EWM is further expanding its WW1 ranges with 1914 British, French and German additions as well as Turks and Middle East British and Commonwealth troops being added all the time. We have established a range of 1917-1918 British and German miniatures and Tanks which are already in production. SHS have a number of new WW1 additions to their ranges including versions of the German A7V’s and a delightful light railway set of models and track. We also have an exciting “WW1 box set” approaching completion as well. Both Ian and I love modelling the WW1 period and so it makes sense to brand the new business as 20mmZone, from WW1 to WW2 with lots of interesting things for in between.

Since starting on the 20mmzone models So far we have focused on Early war British tanks the Valentine in MK I, III & VIII, the A13 in 3 variants, 2 versions of the Vickers light tank all of which are in production and available from the EWM webs tore at We have a number of other new models that should be ready by time of publication that include British Dingo’s in 6 versions with stowage and accessories/crews. German Hummel and Nashorns, converted Lorraine self propelled guns and observation vehicles based on the French Lorraine 38 hulls. A special show piece in the form of a BergPanther. We plan to do a number of the Panthers and British Churchill’s next. We are also running a facebook page where you can view our progress and news featuring the work we are doing on these models at their facebook page.

Ian and I have a load of work ahead of us to get all these models back out there and available. We seriously hope the new rapid build format, the highly detailed and lightweight materials and low pricing will be a successful formula for us . Also, the 20mmZone as a trading “zone” at shows proves to be a liked and successful format in the future.

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