Monday, September 9, 2013 Classic Laserburn Vehicles Remastered and in Resin Second Release! Following up on a couple of weeks ago when we announced the remastering and release of the V101 Flit Car and V103 Hover Van from the Laserburn Range in high quality resin we had a great response from the wargaming community. Thanks Everyone! It is our intention to remaster and release every vehicle in the range and today we continue towards that goal with two more vehicles. The Partizan Scout Car and the Hover Support Wagon, both with a price reduction due to this new production medium. Read on for more information.

In addition to this it has now been three weeks since the launch of our sister brand The Ion Age and we have a little plug for them below. Check out what they have been doing while we have been all about the resin. Lastly the annual HOTT 2nd Edition tournament is being held on the 14th of September in Zaragosa, Spain and we are once again sponsoring it. If you have a club event drop us a line perhaps we can assist you too.

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