Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pig Iron Productions: New Modular Irregular Near Future Miniatures

Just found these from Pig Iron Productions: Before these go on the main site next week, here's preview of our latest Near Future sprues. These sprues will allow you to create irregular style figs that can be used for all sorts or paramilitary, insurgents, militia, gangers, mobsters etc. The legs are a combination of jeans, tracksuits and fatigues with a mix of military boots, hiking boots and trainers. The bodies have a mix of body armour and jackets, with assault rifles and pistols. All on the rubble sprue for base decoration.

The hooded heads speak for themselves, but you could also use them on the regular troops for black ops style figs. Also, the mercenary heads work a treat on these figs. More irregular NF stuff coming soon plus some weirder NF stuff that I've been working on in secret.

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