Saturday, August 17, 2013

Freebooter Miniatures: August Releases

Freebooter Miniatures: Well, our holiday is over, and so we're back to business as usual again. Which means that we have two new releases for you in August. The rules for Captain Dèzette stem from the creativity of Dorothea Zugberg and Rüdiger Warnke. Dezètte is a bit of an "everybody's darling" in the world of Freebooter's Fate. She can be used as the leader of a pirate crew or as a mercenary in all other crews. If she leads her own pirate crew, she can add one specialist or deckhand from other crews instead of a mercenary.

Eugen is the man in charge when it comes to using Sansamès in Cult crews. Not only does he allow you to field many of the turnipheads, he also helps you to control them more effectively. In addition, he adds some much-needed firepower to Cult crews.

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