Friday, August 23, 2013

Crocodile Games: WarGods of the Olympus Kickstarter Paypal Pledge Option

Crocodile Games: A big thank you to all of our backers for making our first Kickstarter a successful and enjoyable program. If you backed us on Kickstarter, you should now have received your Kickstarter survey, be sure to send it back to us no later than July 20! If you were unable to back us on Kickstarter don't worry, there is still time. We have set up a PayPal pledging page and for a limited time you can jump on board as a new backer and still receive all of the Kickstarter exclusives. You can find the PayPal page here.

So what's next?

Right now, we are hard at work on all of the fantastic miniatures and extras that we promised! Chris is busy sculpting away and I (Debs) am compiling all of the responses to the surveys, trying to answer questions in a timely fashion and pack croc orders! It will take a while to get of all this together, but we'll be posting progress updates along the way, and we appreciate your patience.

But you can still help! If you are a veteran WarGods player why not talk to your local gaming store or club about organizing a game or running a demo, be active on the forum posting pictures from your games and getting involved in the discussions.

If you are new to the game, come join our community! You will find lots of helpful information and resources on the forum, along with a new WarGods players google map. We will be adding new content as time goes on, so stay tuned! Thanks again for your support! Chris and Debs Crocodile Games

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