Friday, July 19, 2013

Wargame Vault & Boardgamer: Avalon Hill's Panzer Leader Player's Guide

Wargame Vault: The publisher of The Boardgamer magazine created five special issues devoted entirely to one game within the Avalon Hill catalog. They were known as Unofficial Player Guides, but were considered the best collection of new information, variants, scenarios, rules variations, errata, inserts, and new articles written for these games. Fans loved the materials, because it delivered new life into a game that was forgotten by Avalon Hill, but still cherished by the players.

This player's guide, the fourth in a series of five, is dedicated to the classic, Western Front armor wargame Panzer Leader. It is a must-have for any fan of the classic game. This PDF is now available at the Wargame Vault for only $7.99! Get yours now by following this link.

In this guide, published in 2002, the articles include:

  • More New Expressions For Another Familiar Face – Do Your Own Panzer Leader
  • The Battle For The Remagen Bridge – New Scenarios For Panzer Leader
  • New British Scenarios For Panzer Leader – British And Commonwealth 1944 & 1945 Situations
  • Panzer Leader Situations – A Collection Of Panzer Leader Scenarios
  • Panzer Leader 1940 Situations – Variant Situations Updated
  • Panzer Leader Clarifications – And Question Box
  • Other Products From The Boardgamer
  • The Pieces Of Panzer Leader – Part 2
  • The Pieces Of Panzer Leader – Part 3 – Panzer Leader 1940
  • References From The General
  • More Historical Corrections – To Panzer Leader Situations
  • References From The Boardgamer
  • The Panzer Leader In Normandy – Situations From The Normandy Campaign
  • Insert: Countersheet – Additional Panzerblitz Counters – Required To Play Scenarios In This Issue

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